Sunday, December 26, 2010


The day after Christmas and all is calm. I am itching to take down the tree, but I have been told that I am behaving like a Grinch. Oh well, one more week.
Any way, I have come up with a new product line. It seems like I always come up with something new around the holidays. I think it is because I am desperate for something to give as gifts that isn't the same thing that all the girls and kids got last year.
2009 it was teddy bears, which I did make one for my new grand baby this year.
2010 it is wallets. They turned out very well if I do say so myself.

There is an outside pocket, inside pocket, and a place for your check book. I am selling them at a retail price of $15.00. They are so fun to make in all the bright cheerful colors, but for those of you with a more basic taste, I can do that as well.

Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!

I appreciate each and every one of my customers and friends (and usually my customers become my friends) and thank you for your support this past year. I haven't been as faithful to the business as I wanted to be because of certain family obligations, but hopefully that will change with 2011!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Top 5

My top 5 favorites for the year of 2010...? I was going to do the top 10, but that seemed like a lot of work. Let's see...
1) This is a late entry, as made obvious by the Christmas tree, but I love the new addition of stenciling on my bags. You will probably see a lot more of this in the near future.

2) This one I can not take credit for. My very artistic cousin came up with the fabrics. It turned out soooo cool. I also like it because it stepped up my handles. I still do the old style handles for the studio line, but now I do the canvas handles for the signature line.

3) This is another one that I can not take credit for. A dear friend called and asked if I could make the round about a little bit larger and in lime green. I love the look.

4) This is one of my inspirational line purses that I created to sell in our church's Bible book store. I created an entire line of purses with inspirational wording and scripture.

5) Last but not least...The Diva also made specifically for my inspirational line.

That is it for my top 5 favorites for the year 2010. Thanks for being a part of the journey


Wednesday, December 8, 2010


I tried something new today. I stenciled a pattern onto my fabric before I put the purse together. Let me know what you think. I could use the input. I am a day behind on my sewing. I picked my mother up from the hospital today and thus...less sew time. But all in all, my mother comes first. I love her and pray for her healing. In case I haven't said it lately...I hate cancer. Hate is a very strong emotion and I refuse to use the word lightly, but, in this case it is very appropriate and I will say it again...I hate cancer.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I got my sewing machine back yesterday and fell in love all over again when I made my first purse. It actually runs like a sewing machine is suppose to run! The difference is incredible. The purse I made looks fabulous!!! Look forward to many new purses and new designs coming soon.



Monday, December 6, 2010

It's been awhile

Wow, It has been awhile. So much has changed. My purses are now available at the Lighthouse Bible Book store in Osage Beach, Missouri. You can also check them out on the Lighthouse Bible Book store's website. I designed an inspirational line just for the store, but I think I will be expanding on the idea.

The home parties idea went by the way side. What can I say...some ideas work, some don't. My purses have evolved and changed to the point I don't even recognize them.

My sewing machine just got back from its tuneup today and I will be hot and heavy on getting my demo line done as soon as possible.

I am praying to be able to go to the fabric district in Los Angles in January for the fabric trade show, but it will have to be a miracle from God before it can happen.

That is today's update. I will attempt to be more diligent on my post for the upcoming year.
