Several people have asked me how I came up with the name for Purse-Suit designs. It is a simple story. I was wrestling with the idea of a name for my handbags and so I asked another family member for their opinion. Keep in mind that I am the only female in my family. I was blessed with four beautiful sons and four even more beautiful grandsons...what are the odds. I did finally get a step granddaughter...if we can't make them ourselves; we will bring them in from the outside :) Anyway, I digress. Being the only female in my family forces me to ask the men in my family for opinions that would be better suited for a female. But hey, you do what you have to do when you have to do it. So I asked one of the many male gendered people in my home..."What do you think I should call the purse business. He looked up from the hunting/fishing program that I was so rudely interrupting and said "Pursuit". Temporarily forgetting that men do not multi task well, I trusted his answer. I though about it and came to the conclusion that it worked. Pursuit of God, pursuit of happiness, pursuit of many things all came to mind. So I gave it a little word play...Purse-Suit and came up with Purse-Suit Designs. Not until about a year later did I have an eye opener. I walked in to the family room to the same person watching the same show and the announcer came on and welcomed everyone to the "Pursuit hunting program". I could have spit nails. I honestly thought that careful consideration had been given to the suggestion, when in reality it was the first thing that popped into his head while watching the show. Isn't it funny how God works. The name that was created as a thoughtless action turned out to be the perfect name for a purse business pursuing it's place in the world. Man may decide his foot steps; but God always directs his path!
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