Sunday, July 3, 2011

Let Freedom ring!

 I thank God for the opportunity to live in a country where we can enjoy life changing freedom.  Where else in the world do you have the freedoms that we enjoy in the United States of America.  I don't always agree with the choices our government makes; but I do thank God that I have the God given right to speak up and say that I do not agree with them without the fear of being hauled off to jail.  Thank God for a country where a person can have a home based business.  A place of their own where they can pursue making a life of their own choosing by making Purses or hair bows or anything else they chose to make and sell. 
 A place where we can have the faith that this country was built on.  A place where we can go to church and not hear government ordained sermons.  A place where we can raise our children in the love of the Lord and not worry about the consequences.
 A place where we can speak openly of our belief.  Where we can profess loudly our love for God and not worry about being politically correct.
Enjoy your holiday and never forget that this country was founded on Freedom of Religon...not Freedom from Religon. 



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